
I met Harsha in 2018. He was working on the IFA Platform / Shubhchintak at Axis AMC. We both keep sharing notes on WealthTech, and in the last two and half years, he has assisted three startups in raising the seed round in the Xelpmoc ecosystem. Since he has been in Asset Management for the last 16 years, he understands the nuances of wealth management and mutual fund distribution well.
Harsha was part of the Founding team of the Indian arm of Fidelity International. He was part of the Fidelity FundsNetwork launch too. Harsha picked up the digital trends very early in 2007 and spread awareness of Digital tools among the IFA community. As a result, he had many IFAs waiting for his workshops on Tech tools.
Harsha has been one of the earliest adaptors of digital fintech in the asset management industry. He is amongst the most knowledgeable and astute users of fintech platforms and was instrumental in giving Axis MF a head start. I am sure there is a wealth of knowledge to gain from Harsha. I for one look forward to his insights.
I have known Harsha for over 2 decades. He is a live wire professional with a deep understanding of the mutual fund industry. He has well rounded experience in sales, compliance, technology & strategy. What sets him apart is his focus & integrity.
Having led a team that developed and launched a best in class digital tool for clients and advisors at my previous firm, I was keen on following through in my next assignment. My learning’s were many but the most important being you needed the right person to drive it. Everybody I spoke to pointed to just one person - Harsha. The only software engineer who happened to have spent many years in the wealth and asset management industry. You can’t get a better combination for dealing with the challenge. For the time Harsha spent with us before moving on to pursue his passion, he was instrumental in shaping our digital strategy. His insights helped build the foundation of our digital engagement and continues to inspire the thought around how we need to evolve. I for one will be watching this space for more.
I am glad to have introduced Harsha into the world of Asset Management. Being a quick learner and hard worker, he introduced mutual funds to many Small and Medium Enterprises. His recognition of the digital ecosystem was reflective of his ability to connect the dots and see the big picture. Something that he continues to do till this present day and age.
My acquaintance with Harsha started in 2016 when he was Head-Digital Platforms at Axis Asset Management Company. He was the first AMC resource I met in the industry with a deep understanding of personal finance, distribution and technology. His ideas were highly progressive as he pushed RTAs to share APIs with Fintechs and AMCs in early 2016. As I write in 2023, in AA framework RTAs will be FIPs; seven years back, Harsha had suggested this to RTAs.
I had the privilege of meeting Harsha back in 2019 when we were looking to expand Syntoniq’s reach into the Indian market. There was something quite unique that stood out during our initial conversation. It is rare to meet someone with a background such as Harsha’s combined with a humble confidence and true desire to help. From the moment we started working together, Harsha had a genuine curiosity for behavioral science combined with a passion for financial services. Harsha has been and will continue to be a key member to the success of my team.

I have been associated with these companies in the past

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